We are one family. We are united.

We are Life Worth Living!

Our Vision

We envision a community where youth see their lives and the lives of others as a life worth living!

We are a non-profit geared towards violence prevention and intervention with an emphasis on education and recreation. When we work together we stand against all odds.

United as one. United we stand. Unity equals success!

#Do the Work.

#Better Together.

In The Know

CBS News

About Our Founder

John W. Fuqua is Co-Founder and Executive Director of Life Worth Living, a New Jersey-based non-profit organization that focuses on youth development and encourages young people to live long and fulfilling lives. A former high school teacher, John left the classroom in hopes to save his nephew who tragically lost his life to a violent crime.

As a community advocate, coach, father, and uncle, he believes in the power of tough love but understands the importance of listening to youth. John serves as a Cumberland County Recreation Committee Board member and Chair of the Cumberland County Violence Reduction Board through Cumberland County Positive Youth Development Coalition.

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